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  • 品  牌:
  • 主要规格:
  • 用  途:
    • 合用场合-> Suitable Situation ->   适用于各计量、科研与生产部门作精密电感标准,尤其适用于对LCR表进行现场校准。 It is suitable to be used as precise inductance standard for all kinds of metrology units, research institutes, and manufacturers, and especially suitable for on-site LCR meter calibration. 详细指标-> Detail specification-> 年变化 Annual variation:±1×10-4 温度系数 Temperature coefficient:±3×10-5 /℃ 型号  标称值 温度系数 最大允许差 SB2017-1 100 μ H ± 3×10-5 /℃ ± 0.05%(1000Hz) SB2017-2 1mH ± 3×10-5 /℃ ± 0.02%(1000Hz) SB2017-3 10mH ± 3×10-5 /℃ ± 0.02%(1000Hz) SB2017-4 100mH ± 3×10-5 /℃ ± 0.02%(1000Hz) SB2017-5 1H ± 3×10-5 /℃ ± 0.02%(1000Hz) SB2017-6 10H ± 3×10-5 /℃ ± 0.05%(100Hz) 技术规格-> Technical specification->  用途及特点: SB2017系列精密电感器组由六个精密电感器组成,电感值从100μH到10H。采用镯环形电感线圈及电磁屏蔽,独特的温度补偿结构与老化处理工艺并采取全封闭式的防潮措施,具有抗电磁干扰能力强、受湿度与温度影响极小、稳定性好、性能可靠、适应性强、结构新颖、操作方便等独特优点。 Series SB2017 Standard Inductor set is consist of six toriodal inductor standards which range from 100 μH to 10H. It adopts many advanced processing technologies, such as toroidal coil and EMC screen, special temperature compensation structure, aging technology, and whole-seal moistureproof measure. Therefore, it possesses many special characteristics, such as strong antielectromagnetic capability, little effect by humidity and temperature, perfect stability, reliable performance, strong adaptability, novel structure, and easy to operate.


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