Crown measurement company with exquisite products, superb technology, excellent quality, meticulous service to win the majority of users of the unanimous endorsement.
Crown testing company to ensure that the products are for the standardization of production, strict testing and testing after passing the factory, excellent performance.
I * * * * * * * * * * plastic testing instrument - * - name
1 电子拉力试验机 WDS-100KN 拉、压、弯
1 electronic tensile testing machine WDS-100KN pull, pressure, bending
2 简支梁冲击试验机 CBC-J 冲击强度
2 simply supported beam impact testing machine CBC-J impact strength
3 悬臂梁冲击试验机 CBC-X 冲击强度
3 cantilever beam impact testing machine CBC-X impact strength
4 落锤冲击试验机 CLC-300 冲击强度
4 drop hammer impact test machine CLC-300 impact strength
5 热变形维卡软化点温度测定仪 RBWK-300 热变维卡
5 thermal deformation VEKA softening point temperature measuring instrument RBWK-300 heat become VEKA
6 熔体流动速率测定仪 RTSL-400B 流动速率
6 melt flow rate meter RTSL-400B flow rate
7 管材耐压爆破试验机 GCBP-(1-100路) 耐压
7 tube bursting test machine GCBP- (1-100 Road) pressure
8 塑料球压痕硬度测定仪 SLQY-96B 球压痕硬度
8 plastic ball indentation hardness tester SLQY-96B ball indentation hardness
9 全自动聚乙烯压痕硬度测定仪 SLYQ-96AI/3 压痕硬度
9 full automatic polyethylene indentation hardness tester SLYQ-96AI/3 indentation hardness
10 塑料滑动摩擦磨损试验机 M-200 摩擦系数、磨损量
10 plastic sliding friction and wear testing machine M-200 friction coefficient, wear volume
11 塑料耐环境应力开裂试验机 NHY-A 耐环境应力
11 plastic resistance to environmental stress cracking test machine NHY-A resistance to environmental stress
12 塑料低温脆性温度冲击测定仪 CJD-III 脆化冲击
12 plastic low temperature brittleness temperature impact tester CJD-III embrittlement impact
13 马丁耐热试验仪 MDR-300A 马丁耐热
13 Martin heat resistance tester MDR-300A Martin heat resistance
14 硬质套管弯曲试验机 GCWQ-I 弯曲
14 rigid casing bending test machine GCWQ-I bending test machine
15 氧指数测定仪 YZS-75A 氧指数
YZS-75A oxygen index of 15 oxygen index measuring instrument
16 炽热燃烧试验仪 CRB-A 炽热棒燃烧
16 the burning of the burning test instrument CRB-A
17 水平垂直综合燃烧试验仪 SCRS-A 水平和垂直燃烧
SCRS-A horizontal and vertical combustion of 17 horizontal and vertical integrated combustion tester
18 介电强度试验仪 DDJ-100KV 介电强度
18 dielectric strength tester DDJ-100KV dielectric strength
19 高低频介电常数测定仪 GCSTD-D 介电常数和介损
Dielectric constant and dielectric loss of 19 high and low frequency dielectric constant measuring instrument GCSTD-D
20 体积表面电阻率测定仪 GEST-121 体积和表面电阻率
20 volume surface resistivity measuring instrument GEST-121 volume and surface resistivity
21 导体和半导体橡胶塑料电阻率测定仪 GEST-125 电阻率
21 conductor and semiconductor rubber plastic electrical resistivity measuring instrument GEST-125 resistivity
22 全自动导热系数测试仪-防护热板法 DRXF-I 导热系数
22 full automatic thermal conductivity tester DRXF-I thermal conductivity coefficient
23 塑料热膨胀系数测定仪 GCPZY-100 热膨胀系数
23 plastics coefficient of thermal expansion coefficient of GCPZY-100 thermal expansion coefficient
24 橡胶可塑性试验机 KSX-100 可塑性
24 rubber plasticity testing machine KSX-100 plasticity
25 数显橡胶疲劳龟裂试验机 PLGL-300 疲劳龟裂
25 digital rubber fatigue cracking test machine PLGL-300 fatigue cracking
26 橡胶冲击回弹性测试试验机 CTX-15 冲击回弹
26 impact resilience test machine CTX-15 impact rebound
27 杜邦冲击试验机 CDB-1000 冲击性能
27 DuPont impact test machine CDB-1000 impact performance
28 橡胶密度计 XJMD-I 密度
28 rubber density meter XJMD-I density
29 橡胶测厚仪 XJCH-I 厚度
29 rubber thickness gauge XJCH-I thickness
30 橡塑邵尔A硬度计 LX-A 硬度
LX-A rubber hardness 30 shore A hardness tester
31 双轮磨片机 MPJ-II 磨片
31 wheel disc grinding machine MPJ-II
32 DIN磨耗机(橡胶辊筒磨耗机) MHJ-I 磨耗
32 DIN wear machine (rubber roller wear MHJ-I abrasion machine)
33 橡胶阿克隆磨耗测试仪 MHJ-II 磨耗
33 rubber Akron MHJ-II wear tester
34 万能制样机 WZY-240 制样
34 universal prototype WZY-240 sample preparation
35 哑铃型制样机 YLZ-A 制样
35 dumbbell prototype YLZ-A sample preparation
36 缺口制样机 ZQK-A 制样
36 gap system prototype ZQK-A sample
37 冲片机 CPJ-25 制样
37 punching machine CPJ-25 sample preparation
I * * * * * * * * * * * * meet the standard of the
GB/T 3682-2000 热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率和熔体体积流动速率的测定
Determination of mass flow rate and melt volume flow rate of 3682-2000 GB/T thermoplastic melt
"JB/T5456-2005 melt flow rate meter technical conditions"
ISO 1133-2011 塑料--热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率(MFR)和熔体体积流动速率(MVR)的测定
1133-2011 ISO plastics - Determination of the melt mass flow rate (MFR) and the melt volume flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastic plastics
GB/T 1699-2003 硬质橡胶 马丁耐热温度的测定
Determination of Martin heat resistant temperature of 1699-2003 GB/T hard rubber
GB/T 1035-70 塑料耐热性(马丁)试验方法
Test method for heat resistance of 1035-70 GB/T plastics (Martin)
HG/T 3847-2008 硬质橡胶 马丁耐热温度的测定
Determination of Martin heat resistant temperature of 3847-2008 HG/T hard rubber
GB/T1633 "determination of the softening temperature (VST) of thermoplastic plastics"
Test method for thermal deformation temperature of plastic bending load GB/T1634
GB8802《硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U) 管材及管件维卡软化温度测定方法》
GB8802 "hard polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipe and pipe fittings VEKA softening temperature measurement method"
ISO75 、ISO306 、ISO2507 等标准要求。
ISO75, ISO306, ISO2507 and other standard requirements.
ASTM1525 ASTM D648标准
ASTM D648 ASTM1525 standard
GB-T 23257-2009 埋地钢质管道聚乙烯防腐层
23257-2009 GB-T buried steel pipeline polyethylene anticorrosive coating
SY/T0413-2002 "buried steel pipeline polyethylene anticorrosion technology standard" - Indentation Hardness testing method
GB3398-2008 塑料球压痕硬度试验方法
GB3398-2008 plastic ball indentation hardness test method
ISO 2039 塑料.硬度测定.第1部分:压球法
ISO 2039 plastics - Determination of hardness - part first: press ball method
GB/T 2951-2008《电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第41部分:聚乙烯和聚丙烯混合料专用 试验方法 耐环境应力开裂试验
2951-2008 GB/T - General test methods for cable and cable insulation and sheath materials - Part forty-first: special test methods for polyethylene and polypropylene mixtures - resistance to environmental stress cracking tests
GB/T 1842-2008 塑料 聚乙烯环境应力开裂试验方法
Test method for environmental stress cracking of 1842-2008 GB/T plastic polyethylene
GBT 5470-2008 塑料 冲击法脆化温度的测定
Determination of brittleness temperature of 5470-2008 GBT plastic impact method
GB/T 3960-1983 塑料滑动摩擦磨损试验方法
Test method for sliding friction and wear of 3960-1983 GB/T plastics
GB/T 9141.8-1999 柔性石墨板材滑动摩擦系数测试方法
Test method for sliding friction coefficient of 9141.8-1999 GB/T flexible graphite sheet
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