


水份测定仪 KF-1

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  • 化肥、医药、食品、轻工、化工原料以及其它工业产品的水分含量。
    • 概述 本仪器为卡尔费休(Kari. Fischer)滴定法测定水份的仪器。采用化肥、医药、食品、轻工、化工原料以及其它工业产品的水分含量。 GENERAL The instrument use Kari. Fischer measurement to measure the moisture. It use ascertaining end-point titrimetry to measure the end-point . It can be used to measure the moisture content in chemical fertilizer medicine, foodstuff, chemical material and other industrial products. 技术参数Technical Parameter 型号 Model KF-1 极化电压 Polarization voltage 0~800mv 灵敏度Sensitivity 10-6A 终点延时 End-point delay _____ 分辨率Distinguishablity 0.05ml 滴定流量 Titration flux 0.1ml/s 电源 Power supply 220v 50Hz 功率 power 18w 产品特点 Product Characteristics 用于费休氏水份测定法。简便、迅速、精确。滴定系统采用标准、空气加压排除反应废液、操作方便。 It is used for kari. Fischer moisture measurement. It can measure Convenientiy, rapidly and accurately. The titration system use the standard air pressure toexhaust the reacting waste liquid

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