


ZYT-2 型自动永停滴定仪

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  • ZYT-2
  • 用  途:
  • 化学实验室、药品检验所、各大医院、制药厂、兽药厂、饲料厂等进行医药化工等工业溶量分析的一必不可少的测定仪器。
    • 概述 ZYT-2 型自动永停滴定仪是按照中国药典所规定的永停滴定法来检测药品含量的终点指示仪器,本仪器采用特制精密计量泵和高可靠三通转换阀,能完成自动吸夜,自动注液。自动测定最后终点自动由LED数字显示正确的标准液消耗。 GENERAL ZYT-2 automatic ascertaining end-point titrator is the end-point indication instrument which inspects the content of medicine according to the ascertaining end-point titrimetry regulated in Chinese codex. It is equipped with handtailor exact measuring pump and three-way crossover valve. It can absorb and shot liquid automatically, measure the end-point automatically, and show standard liquid dosage 技术参数Technical Parameter 泵管容量 pump pipe volume >25ml 容量精度 capacity precision <0.2% 门限值 Threshold value 50-80 极化电压 Polarization voltage -50,-100(mv) 分辨率 Distinguisha-bility 0.01(ml) 电压 Power supply 200v 50Hz 灵敏度 Sensetivity 10-8A,10-9A 终点延时 End-point delay 1’30’’ 功率 20W

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