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  • ZYT-1
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  • 化学实验室、药品检验所、各大医院、制药厂、兽药厂、饲料厂等进行医药化工等工业溶量分析的一必不可少的测定仪器。
    • 概述 永停滴定法是容量分析中确定终点的一种方法。自动永停滴定仪是根据中国药典77版所载的永停滴定法的要求而试制成功的一种新型仪器,并收载2000版药典,用作于重氮化测定终点指示,它与外指示剂和观察费体试液变化结果等比较,具有精度高、测定准确、使用方便、小巧轻便、性能稳定等优点。它是化学实验室、药品检验所、各大医院、制药厂、兽药厂、饲料厂等进行医药化工等工业溶量分析的一必不可少的测定仪器。 GENERAL Ascertaining end-point titrimetry is a method to ascertain the end-pointin volumetric analysis, the automatic ascertaining end-point titratoris a new instrument manufac-tured according to the requirement of Titrimetry recorded Chinese Codex(Edition:77)which can be used to measure dia-zonium end-point indication. It has the advantages suchas high precision , exact measurement, convenient usage, stable performance compared with the methodsof using external indicator and watching Fischer liquid ,It is an abso-lutely necessaryinstrument to analyze solution for chemical labs, physic in-spection organizations, hospitals, phar-maceutical factory and so on 技术参数Technical Parameter 极化电压polarization volatage 50,100,(mv) 灵敏度Sensitivity 1.5×10-9A,1.5×10-8A 门限值Threshold value 60% 80% 100% 终点延时End-point delay 1’30” 电源power supply 200V, 50Hz 快点延时Fast drip delay 7” 功率power 18W

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