HQd系列IntelliCAL™ 电导探头
- 主要规格:
- 0.01 礢/cm to 200 mS/cm
- conductivity probes feature 4-pole graphite design and measure conductivity, resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and temperature.
Standard IntellliCAL conductivity probes are waterproof for 24 hours fully immersed to a maximum depth of 3 meters. The IntelliCAL rugged conductivity probe is waterproof for 24 hours fully immersed to a maximum depth of 30 meters, and features stainless steel reinforced cable and stainless steel body with a polymer shroud to protect the probe from the rigors of field use.
Conductivity Range: 0.01 礢/cm to 200 mS/cm
Resolution: 0.01 礢/cm (5 digits maximum)
Resistivity Range: 2.5 ohm.cm to 49 Mohm.cm
Resolution: 0.1 ohm.cm
Salinity Range: 0 to 42 g/kg or ppt
Resolution: 0.01 ppt
Total Dissolved Solids Range: 0.0 to 50.0 mg/L
Resolution: 0.1 mg/L
Temperature Range: -10.0 to 110.0 癈
Resolution: 0.1 癈
责任编辑: 产品部
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