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    • ccd/镜头 美国Pixera Pro 150ES 荧光显微数码摄像系统 产品说明 美国Pixera 最新出品Penguin 150ES荧光显微数码摄像系统 专为低照度荧光显微镜进行拍摄而设计,为您提供150万高清晰度的图像和24/48位的影像品质 使用1/2英寸芯片,结合图像均化与积分功能,让您轻松捕捉低照度,低对比度的荧光微观影像 提供真实光学解析度150万像素高分辨率,最完整保存图像的信息 每秒15帧的彩色预览速度(640x480),动态对焦指标,让您通过屏幕随时得知显微镜对焦情况,使您更加容易控制拍摄显微图像,得到真实精确,完美的显微图像 丹麦DeltaPix 显微数码相机Infinity X 2100万超高像素成像系统 Infinity X is the ideal digital camera for an exceptionally wide-ranging spectrum of applications with-in light microscopy. It occers an outstanding resolution for still images as well as exceptional fast streaming video at a very high resolution. The impressive image quality and revolutionary resolution is achieced by the integration of the DeltaVu tec-hnology invented by DeltaPix. Through a process of capturing multiple images with the sensor shifted a fraction of the length of a pixel, the DeltaVu technology allows calculation of details much smaller than the size of a pixel. 最高2100万像素,5120╳4096 图象成像 暴光时间:0.1毫秒-6秒 灵敏度:ISO200 to 600 传输方式:480Mb/s 高速USB传输 最高可达60帧/秒 支持动带时间序列拍摄 更多参数及价格详见:  http://www.beony.com/optics_physics/CCD.htm http://www.beony.com/optics_physics/image/150es.gif

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