



  • 这真不是您需要的产品?
  • 品  牌:
  • 美国威盾VTON
  • 主要规格:
  • DN15-1000
  • 用  途:
  • 在管道上主要起切断和节流用。
    • 进口电动调节蝶阀 产品口径: DN50-2000 产品压力: 0.6~10.0Mpa 产品材质: 铸钢、不锈钢、合金钢等 是指关闭件(阀瓣或蝶板)为圆盘,围绕阀轴旋转来达到开启与关闭的一种阀,在管道上主要起切断和节流用。 进口电动调节蝶阀启闭件是一个圆盘形的蝶板,在阀体内绕其自身的轴线旋转,从而达到启闭或调节的目的。蝶阀全开到全关通常是小于90° ,蝶阀和蝶杆本身没有自锁能力,为了蝶板的定位,要在阀杆上加装蜗轮减速器。采用蜗轮减速器,不仅可以使蝶板具有自锁能力,使蝶板停止在任意位置上,还能改善阀门的操作性能。工业专用蝶阀的特点能耐高温,适用压力范围也较高,阀门公称通径大,阀体采用碳钢制造,阀板的密封圈采用金属环代替橡胶环。大型高温蝶阀采用钢板焊接制造,主要用于高温介质的烟风道和煤气管道。 Refers to shut down a (disc or disc) is a disk, around the axis of rotation to achieve a valve open and close, mainly in the line cut off and throttling. Imported electric adjustment butterfly valve opening and closing is a disc-shaped butterfly plate, the body rotation around its own axis, so as to achieve the aim of opening and closing or adjust. Butterfly valve fully open to the barrier is usually less than 90 째, butterfly valve and the adjustment lever itself has no self-locking ability, in order to butterfly plate positioning, to add worm gear reducer on the valve stem. The use of worm gear reducer, can not only make the butterfly plate with self-locking ability, make the butterfly plate to stop at any position, also can improve the performance of the valve. Industrial specialized characteristic ability of high temperature butterfly valve, apply pressure range is higher also, nominal valve size is big, the body is made of carbon steel, valve plate seal using metal ring instead of rubber ring. Large high temperature butterfly valve USES the steel plate welding manufacturing, mainly for the duct smoke and gas of high temperature medium. 进口电动调节蝶阀的优点如下:1、启闭方便迅速、省力、流体阻力小,可以经常操作。2、结构简单,体积小,重量轻。3、可以运送泥浆,在管道口积存液体最少。4、低压下,可以实现良好的密封。5、调节性能好。 进口电动调节蝶阀的缺点如下:1、使用压力和工作温度范围小。2、密封性较差。 蝶阀按结构形式可分为偏置板式、垂直板式、斜板式和杠杆式。按密封形式可分为较密封型和硬密封型两种。软密封型一般采用橡胶环密封,硬密封型通常采用金属环密封。按连接型式可分为法兰连接和对夹式连接;按传动方式可分为手动、齿轮传动、气动、液动和电动几种。 蝶阀的安装与维护应注意以下事项:1、在安装时,阀瓣要停在关闭的位置上。2、开启位置应按蝶板的旋转角度来确定。3、带有旁通阀的蝶阀,开启前应先打开旁通阀。4、重量大的蝶阀,应设置牢固的基础。 阀体材质:铸铁、铸钢、不锈钢、铬钼钢、铝合金、黄铜,密封面材质:H、J、F46、Y、W。工作压力0.6-10MPA,工作温度-40°C- 550°C。阀门口径 DN15-DN1000。连接方式:法兰、焊接、对夹。传动方式: 手动、蜗轮、气动、电动。适用介质:水、油品、气体、蒸汽、泥浆水、酸类等。 制造标准:(配置的法兰标准)国标、美标、日标。 The valve body material: cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel, chrome molybdenum steel, aluminum alloy, brass, sealing surface material: H, J, F46, Y, W. Working pressure of 0.6 to 10 mpa, working temperature and 40 째 C to 550 째 C. The valve diameter DN15 - DN1000. Connection: flange, welding, the clip. Driving mode: manual, worm gear, pneumatic, electric. Applicable medium: water, oil, gas, steam, slurry water, acids, etc. Manufacturing: (configuration of the flange standard) national standard, American standard, Japanese standard. VTON(威盾)阀门国际有限公司 代理公司:深圳名阀进出口贸易有限公司 联系人:黄生 电话:0755-29172950 传真:0755-29172950 使用业绩: 深圳地铁1号线(罗宝线)Shenzhen metro line 1(luobao line) 深圳地铁2号线(蛇口线)Shenzhen metro line 2 (shekou line) 深圳地铁3号线(龙岗线)Shenzhen metro line 3 (longgang line) 深圳地铁4号线(龙华线)Shenzhen metro line 4(longhua line) 深圳地铁5号线(环中线)Shenzhen metro line 5(huanzhong line)


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    • 地址:
    • 深圳市福田区深南路3037号南光捷佳大厦2716

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