美国CIRS 043多普勒弦线模体简介:
CIRS 043多普勒弦线模体满足《JJF 1438-2013彩色多普勒超声诊断仪(血流测量部分)校准规范》。多普勒弦线模体,是一套通过超高精度马达和环形弦线对多普勒超声进行检测的系统。
CIRS 043多普勒弦线模体优势
▲ 水槽尺寸小、便于携带: 水槽尺寸:250×300×230 mm
▲ 超高精度:晶体马达控制,马达速度1秒内可变化1000次,真实复现人体血流变化。
CIRS 043多普勒弦线模体标准:《JJF 1438-2013 彩色多普勒超声诊断仪(血流测量部分)校准规
The CIRS Model 043 Doppler String Phantom is an essential tool for people who work with Doppler Ultrasound. The crystal controlled motor accurately generates sixteen pre-programmed waveforms using advanced string target technology. Since the speed is adjusted 1000 times every second, you know it's precise and repeatable.
The Model 043 can be set for use with water or velocity-corrected fluid. If you're using water, it adjusts the string speed accordingly so the different speed of sound in water won't affect your tests. And unlike fluid-flow phantoms, the target never changes; you know what your test results should be every time.
All CIRS Ultrasound phantoms, including the Model 043, are sold with a user's manual and a rugged carrying case. Additional options include custom programming of special waveforms.
深圳市展业达鸿科技有限公司 联系人:吕先生 手机:15920060912 QQ:8329063 邮箱:15920060912@139.com 办公地址:深圳市福田区八卦四路22号华晟达7楼5A