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- 品 牌:
- immuneChem
- 用 途:
- 能特异性吸附样品液中的鼠IgG,特别适用于从含胎牛血清培养基纯化单克隆抗体,吸附量大于10mg/ml,填料可以多次重复使用。
- 关于 Mouse IgG Antibody, Agarose 的详细介绍
Mouse IgG Antibody , Agarose
Catalog Number Pack Size
ICP9705 2 mL
Product Description: Monoclonal antibody production using cell culture system sometime requires the use of fetal calf serum. Purification of the mouse ntibody from the cell culture supernatant using Protein A/G system may result in contamination of bovine IgG. “Mouse IgG antibody , Agarose” is the mouse IgG-specific affinity matrix that could selectively purify mouse IgG from the supernatant of the cell cultre media without pulling-down the bovine IgG at the same tme. This “Mouse IgG antibody, Agarose” is prepared using antigen-specific affinity purified mouse IgG antibody as immoblized antodies. More than 15 mg of pure mouse IgG antibody was covalently immobilized onto the Agarose beads via a highly stable thiol-ether bond. This product has been successfully used to replace “Protein A/G Agarose” for more specific affinity purification of mouse IgG with high binding capacity (10mg/mL).
Formulation: 2 mL in 4 mL PBS with 70% Glycerol.
Storage & Stability: Store product at –20 ℃. Three years from date of shipping.
Ligand Immobilized: 20 mg mouse IgG antibody / mL
Binding Capacity: 10 mg/mL of mouse IgG
Applications: Immuno-Affinity Chromatography, Immunoprecipitation.