| 本系列為以符合ISO/國際標準化機構之標準規範,1993年制定之 JIS K 6253 標準硬度計。 由中硬度用之 A-type、高硬度用之 D-type及低硬度用之 E-type等三種型式所構成。 其重點為A-type 之測定值較舊有的A型硬度計略高1~2度。 D-type 則適用於 A type之測定值大於90度以上的硬質橡膠;而E-type專用於A-type 測定值小於20以下之軟質橡膠 | |  | | | 型號 | TYPE | 適用 材質 | 符合之規範 | 0~100度之荷重值 | 測頭型式(mm) | 測頭高度(mm) |
GS-719N | | | JIS K 6253 ISO 7619 ISO 868 ASTM D 2240 | | | 2.50 |
GS-719G | |
GS-720N | | | | | 2.50 |
GS-720G | |
GS-721N | | | | | | 2.50 |
G8-721G | |
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| | 此型規格為日本塑膠業界制定的規格.與"橡膠硬度"測試方法不同, 與JIS K 6253相較,只有取彈簧荷重值的平均方法不同,但基本原理是相同.基於遵造標準規格的觀點,將之視為不同的硬度計來區別型式. | |  | | | |
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| | JIS K 6301 which had been established in 1950 and sustaining the base of rubber industry in Japan was discontinued in 1998 after the suspended period, as it was not in conformity with ISO, and JIS K 6253 was newly established. However, it was used for 50 years as rubber hardness measurement and is still used as test data agreed between concerned persons even now when it is progressed to shift to new JIS and the standard is discontinued. There are 2 kinds of A type for general rubber and C type for hard rubber. | |  | |
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| | Now, there is type E durometer in accordance with NEW JIS, but the standard to measure hardness of soft rubber like eraser was not available in the previous JIS standard. Then this SRIS 0101 was established by Japan Rubber Association for the purpose of ruling standard of the Association apart from JIS. As is half ball type osibari this is suitable for soft material like soft rubber (expanded rubber ), hardness of spool of textile and film roll to which osibari sticks if it is type A durometer. It also conforms to JIS S 6050 “plastic letter distinguisher” (eraser) . 此型硬度計採為半球狀型測頭,可用以測定軟質橡膠等另可兼測紡織線之紗捲/保鮮膜/膠捲/橡皮擦等之物質的硬度 | | | | |
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| | ASTM (AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS ) was historically old and various types of durometer are ruled. ISO applies durometer of type A and Type D among this standard and they are ruled in JIS standard. TECLOCK provides all of this ASTM durometer for the usage of hard type material to ultra soft type material in our line up. Please select according to usage in addition to type A and Type D. | |  | |
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