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  • 除静电
    • 斯蒂克ST311A离子风枪是一种可提供强力离子风到物体上的手持式静电消除器.设计用于大风量除尘和中和静电.广泛用于精密电子产品,电子组装线,医药制造等.离子作用距离可达一米,需要和ST402A电源供应器一体使用(电源供应器需单独购买) STATICST311AAionizing air gun is a handheld device which provides a concentrated flow of high pressure ionized air to a targeted surface or object.They are designed for more large focused cleaning and neutraliztion .lt is well used in delicate electronic products,electronic assebly line,medical device manufacture and assembly line.it has an effective distance of 100mm,It operates with ST402A power supply which must be ordered separately. Specification(技术参数) Operating Voltage(工作电压) 5.6KV Ccrrent Consumption(消耗电流) 200uA Operating Temperature(操作温度) 0---50℃ Weight(重量) 0.5kg HV cabke kebgtg(高压电缆长度) 3Meters Operating air pressure(工作空气压力) 40---70psi Operating air velocity(工作气流速度) >10m/sec Decay Tdst Results(测试结果) Testing Conditions(测试条件) Testing Voltage( 测试电压):4.6KV Testing Voltane Range(测试电压范围):5.0Kvto500V Temperature(环境温度):22℃ Distance(距离) 30mm 90mm 150mm Decay time (中和时间) Positve(正) 0.1s 0.2s 0.9s Negative(负) 0.2s 0.2s 0.7s Offsef volfage (残余电压) Positve(正) -23V -18V +14V Negative(负) -29V -16V +17V 备注: 1. 风速测试在150mm处。 2. 离子测试距离在150 mm处。 3. 测试的数据会因测试时的环境空气温湿度而有所变化。 Remarks: 1. Air velocity measured at 150mm. 2. Operational ionizing distance of 150mm. 3. Test figures are subjecffo the variation in the atmospheric condifeons. 特点: 小巧方便; 可固定式安装; 易于和自动控制系统配套; 不锈钢制成,更耐用,耐冲击,效果好; 应用: 除静电除尘; 包装,注塑生产; 表面涂装,光电等行业;

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