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  • 品  牌:
  • 南澳电气
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    • NASBF Series Third-harmonic Generator 南澳电气NASBF三倍频感应耐压发生器 产品简介 南澳电气NASBF三倍频感应耐压发生器是利用磁路的饱和特性,取出装置中分量最大的三次谐波电压,对感应线圈式的电气产品进行匝间、段间、层间的倍频、倍压试验,以考核被试品的绝缘耐压水平。 南澳电气NASBF三倍频感应耐压发生器产品别名 三倍频发生器,感应电压三倍频发生器,三倍频电源发生器,三倍频变压器试验装置,三倍频感应耐压发生器,三倍频试验变压器,三倍频试验仪,三倍频感应耐压仪,电压互感器倍频交流耐压试验仪 产品特性 1、南澳电气生产的NASBF系列三倍频发生器操作简单、性能可靠 2、能很好地满足变压器、互感器感应耐压的测量需要 南澳电气NASBF三倍频感应耐压发生器产品参数 输入容量:5-200KVA 输出容量:1-40KVA 输入电压:三相AC380V 输出电压:0~300V;0-500V;0-800V;0-1000V 输入频率: 50Hz 输出频率:150Hz 结 构:小于2000A为一体式或分体式,大于2000A为分体式。 Product introduction NASBF series third-harmonic generator is utilize the saturation characteristics of magnetic circuit, remove the maximum three harmonic voltage from the device, for the induction coil type electrical product, make a turn to turn, segment to segment, and level to level frequency doubling and voltage doubling testing, so as to check the insulation withstand voltage level. Also called name Third harmonic generator, inductive voltage third-harmonic generator, third-harmonic generator power supply generator, trial third harmonic transformer device, third-harmonic inductive withstand generator, third-harmonic trial generator, third-harmonic testing device, third-harmonic inductive withstand device, voltage transformer frequency doubling AC withstand testing device. The Characteristics of the products 1, NANAO Electrical produced NASBF series third-harmonic generator, simple to operate, with reliable performance 2, Satisfy the need of transformers and inductors inductive withstand. The parameters of the products Input Capacity :5-200KVA Output capacity :1-40KVA Input voltage: Three-phase AC380V Output voltage: 0 ~ 300V; 0-500V; 0-800V; 0-1000V Input Frequency: 50Hz Output frequency: 150Hz Structure: less than 2000A as a whole or split instruction, more than 2000A is split instruction .

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