- CEMB传感器
意大利CEMB自1946年成立以来 始终以研制和生产高水平的平衡设备为主要目标,在这一领域已经有超过五十年的历史,代表了整个国际市场的最高水平,是世界上最大的两家工业平衡设备制造商之一。上海秋腾贸易代理销售CEMB传感器,CEMB变送器、CEMB信号转换器、CEMB模块等全系列产品,价格低廉,欢迎您来电咨询!
Acceleration sensor TA-18/S CEMB FUNCTIONING:The TA18S transducer picks up seismically the absolute vibrations of the machine by being fitted directly to the supports of the vibrating part; it supplies an output signal directly proportional to the vibration of the point to which it is fastened. Such signal should subsequently be processed by one of the measuring channel of a CEMB serial "T" or "N" processing unit.
videozoom FUNCTIONING:The TA18S transducer picks up seismically the absolute vibrations of the machine by being fitted directly to the supports of the vibrating part; it supplies an output signal directly proportional to the vibration of the point to which it is fastened. Such signal should subsequently be processed by one of the measuring channel of a CEMB serial "T" or "N" processing unit.