SGS提供EN 13496外保温复合系统(ETICS)玻璃纤维网机械性能的测定服务
SGS offer EN 13496 Determination of the mechanical properties of glass fibre meshes as reinforcement for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems with renders(ETICS)
Key words: EN 13496, ETICS, glass fibre, 玻璃纤维网, 保温系统, 绝热材料, 隔热材料, thermal Insulation, thermal conductivity, 导热系数, 热阻, 热阻测试, 隔热, 绝热, 保温, 绝热材料, SGS测试, SGS福建, SGS江西, SGS厦门, SGS南昌,SGS报告, SGS九江
EN 13496:2013 Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the mechanical properties of glass fibre meshes as reinforcement for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems with renders(ETICS)
EN 13496:2012 建筑绝热产品 外保温复合系统(ETICS)玻璃纤维网机械性能的测定
EN 13496标准规范中物理性能测试要求及测试标准如下:
EN 13496 Tensile strength(ambient conditions)拉伸强度
EN 13496 Elongation at failure(ambient conditions)断裂伸长率
SGS Industrial
郭女士 Nicky Guo
Phone: +86 (0592) 576 6954
Mobile: +86 18650803319
Email: nicky.guo@sgs.com
Address: No.31 Xianghong Road, Xiang'An Torch Industrial Zone, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China
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