

  • 2006/42/EC机械指令

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  • Why you need to act now 为什么你现在就要行动 If your company manufactures products that fall within the scope of the Machinery Directive (MD) or you are an agent (2) for such products, there is a major change imminent. The consequences of which could seriously affect your ability to do business in the European Community. 如果您制造或者代理的产品属于机械指令(MD)的范围内,很快您将面临一个重大的改变,而且会影响到您在欧盟市场上的业务能力。 On 29th December 2009, the newly revised MD 2006/42/EC replaces MD 98/37/EC which has been mandatory since January 1995. It sets out the essential health and safety requirements for machinery within the European Community. The term ‘machinery’ generally covers any equipment, whether for domestic, commercial or industrial use, that has parts actuated by a power source other than manual effort. Excluded from the MD are machines where the risks are wholly covered by other EC Directives. 2009年12月29日,新修订的MD 2006/42/EC将取代自1995年1月起就强制实施的MD 98/37/EC。它规定了在欧盟市场上的机械产品必须满足基本的健康和安全要求。术语“机械”涵盖了任何设备,不管是出于家庭用途、商业用途还是工业用途,只要它有部分是靠能源而不是靠手动驱动的,就属于“机械”范围。但如果机器的风险完全被其他欧盟指令所该覆盖,那则排除在MD外。 The purpose of the Directive is to harmonise national laws of member states and this new version addresses many of the interpretational issues that have arisen from the process of consolidating previous versions of the MD. It also expands the list of hazardous machinery and equipment products falling within Annex IV applying to hazardous machinery and equipment. 机械指令的目的是协调各成员国的法律,而且新版本解决了合并旧版本过程中出现的很多解释上的问题。它还扩大了相应附录IV中危险机械和设备产品的范围。

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