Test or certification item 测试或认证名称: Flammability 建材阻燃, class A1/A2
Refer products 涉及产品: 建筑材料
Test or certification info 测试和认证相关内容:
Our lab can offer you tests according to DIN 4102-1, A1/A2, B1 and B2.
DIN 4102 tests are defined by the German Institute for Building Technology (Deutsches Intstitut für Bautechnik – DIBt) and are accepted for products to be used in buildings.
Kindly check if an ABP(Allgemeines bauaufsichtliches Prüfzeugnis) is required for application of his product. If you need an ABP, please let me know, so that we can submit an offer to you.
Furthermore we assume that your material is not used as a floor covering.
I. Scope of services |
Description |
Net prices excl. VAT |
Pos. 1 Test following DIN 4102-1 (A1/A2), Non-combustibility, in the A-oven For the test at least 6 specimens per material are required with the following dimensions (L) 40 mm x (W) 40 mm x (H) 50 mm (tolerance +/-1 mm)
If the specimens have to be built by use of single layers, the layers have to be cut to 40 x 50 mm (L x H). The layers combined have to form a specimen being 40 mm thick (width).
In case of construction materials with different characteristics longitudinal and perpendicular to direction of production, half of the specimens have to be taken from each direction. Construction materials fulfill the requirements for classification to Class A1 if,… - the oven test is passed and - the requirements for class A2 are fulfilled; it may be resigned to conduct the test in parts or completely, if the fulfilment of these requirements can be assessed without any doubt.
For a complete compliance with the classification in addition the tests on class A2 in the „Brandschacht“ (B1-testing apparatus with higher requirements) and in the B2-cabinet (small flame test) would have to be conducted. Maybe the smoke densitiy tests for construction materials according class A have to be conducted as well – if required. If you are in need of the smoke density tests as well, we would appreciate to be informed accordingly for sending an additional offer.
xxx EUR per product/test |
For the test according to DIN 4102 part 1, class B1 we need in total 16 samples with the following dimensions: 1000 mm long, 190 mm wide, original thickness.
xxx EUR per product/direction |
If the test result is not obvious with the first test, the standard asks for 2 additional tests per direction, so in total 3 tests per direction. Each additional test: |
xxx EUR per product/direction |
Please note: Materials with an orientation, e.g. foils, leathers, textiles, have to be examined in each direction (warp and weft) with 16 samples along and Costs increase accordingly.
For the tests you can decide on your own, if you want only one test per direction or the three tests per direction according to the standard. Please be aware, that the test with freely suspended material is not valid for constructions with this material in combination with other layers (e.g. adhesive, wood, ....). The burning behavior of panels in end use condition have to be tested separately.
For the test according to DIN 4102 part 1, class B2 (mandatory pre-test for B1-test) we need in total 12 samples per product with the following dimensions: 6 samples with 190 mm long, 90 mm wide, original thickness. E.g. 1. Edge flaming:
xxx EUR per product/direction |
The following position depends on the used material (has to be tested if critical): 6 samples with 230 mm long, 90 mm wide, original thickness. E.g.2. Surface flaming:
xxx EUR per product/direction |
If there are different thicknesses we need 12 samples of the material with minimum thickness and 12 samples of maximum thickness. Further, if the material is produced in different colours, the lightest and the darkest colour as well as the deepest red shade has to be tested for the full range of colours of a product. Further tests may be required if the material has different surfaces on front and back side. In this case testing of both sides is required. Costs increase accordingly.
Climatization: before B2 at least 14 days in standard atmosphere DIN 50014-23/50-2
Sometimes it is only possible to determine the exact scope of testing for various products after knowing all of the product variants (colors, weight per unit area).
The above mentioned prices include a report in English language per complete test and material. When we see that the product will not fulfill the requirements then we will stop the test and inform you.
xxx EUR per hour |
xxx EUR per hour/product |
For the test we need the following documents:
- written order incl. invoice address
- manufacturer and trade name of the product
- technical data sheet of the product
- description and composition of the product
Time Schedule/Time of Performance
Currently examination period will take about 3-4 weeks after placing of a written order and receiving of material at lab – depending on climatization requirements.
Please check the details of this offer and let us know if you wish to make changes or alterations, so that we can discuss your proposals.
We are committed to this non-binding offer for 8 weeks.
We hope that our offer suits your requirements and would be pleased to preserve your order for the offered performances.