测试名称 Test item: Brazil Food Grade 巴西食品等级 - plastic|塑料/ABS|丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物
检测内容 Test info:
BRA 巴西/plastic|塑料/ABS|丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物 |
在3%乙酸的全面迁移-填充|Overall migration in 3% acetic acid - article filling ANVISA Resolution No. 105 of May 19, 1999 |
在50%乙醇的全面迁移-填充|Overall migration in 50% ethanol - article filling ANVISA Resolution No. 105 of May 19, 1999 |
在95%乙醇的全面迁移-填充|Overall migration in 95% ethanol - article filling ANVISA Resolution No. 105 of May 19, 1999 |
在异辛烷的全面迁移-填充|Overall migration in isooctane - article filling ANVISA Resolution No. 105 of May 19, 1999 |
在3%乙酸的丙烯腈迁移量|Specific Migration of acrylonitrile in 3% acetic acid ANVISA RDC No.56 of November 16, 2012 |
巴西在3%乙酸中的颜色迁移(巴西,仅针对有色塑料包括白色)|Brazil Color migration in 3% acetic acid(brazil, for colored including white) ANVISA Resolution - RDC No. 52 of November 26, 2010 |
巴西在50%乙醇中的颜色迁移(巴西,仅针对有色塑料包括白色)|Brazil Color migration in 50% ethanol(brazil, for colored including white) ANVISA Resolution - RDC No. 52 of November 26, 2010 |
巴西在椰子油中的颜色迁移(巴西,仅针对有色塑料包括白色)|Brazil Color migration in coconut oil(brazil, for colored including white) ANVISA Resolution - RDC No. 52 of November 26, 2010 |
金属和其他元素的特定迁移|specific migration of metals and other elements ANVISA Resolution - RDC No. 52 of November 26, 2010 |
测试周期 Lead time:Regular Service 7 working days.
送样规格 Sample size: 11pcs,1 pc指该样品接触食品的面积要大于1平方分米。如果不够1平方分米,需用多个样品凑齐1平方分米 (密封部件除外)