1、常用的测试项目General Test Items
Appearance, Dimension, Water absorption, Water content, Flexural properties, Tensile properties, Shore hardness, Vicat softening temperature, Heat deflection temperature, Creep behaviour, Impact resistance, Dimension stability after moisture, Dimension stability after heating, Freeze-Thaw resistance, Abrasion resistance, Slip resistance, Mechanical fastener holding test, Resistance to artificial weathering, Fire resistance, Heavy metals, Formaldehyde, etc.
2、主要产品标准 Main Product Standards
欧洲地区 European Region
EN 15534 Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC))
Part 1:Test methods for characterisation of compounds and products
Part 2: Characterization of compounds
Part 4:Specifications for decking profiles and tiles
Part 5:Specifications for cladding profiles and tiles
Part 6:Specifications for fencing profiles and elements
Part 7: Specifications for general purpose profiles in external applications
美国地区 American Region
ASTM D7031 Standard Guide for Evaluating Mechanical and Physical Properties of Wood-Plastic Composite Products
ASTM D7032 Standard Specification for Establishing Performance Ratings for Wood-Plastic Composite and Plastic Lumber Deck Boards,Stair Treads,Guards,and Handrailapplications
ASTM D6662 Standard Specification for Polyolefin-Based Plastic Lumber Decking Boards
日本地区 Japanese Region
JIS A5741 木材-塑料之再生复合材料
JIS A5741 Wood-plastic recycled composite
JIS A5742 Products of wood-plastic recycled composite, Assembled decks
韩国地区 Korean Region
KS F3230 木塑地板
KS F3230 WPC(Wood Plastic Composite) Deck Floor Board
中国地区 Chinese Region
GB/T 29500 建筑模板用木塑复合板
GB/T 24137 木塑装饰板
GB/T 24508 木塑地板
GB/T 29419 塑木复合材料铺板性能等级和护栏体系性能
GB/T 29418 塑木复合材料产品物理力学性能测试
GB/T 35612 绿色产品评价 木塑制品
JC/T 2221 建筑用木塑门
JC/T 2223 室内装饰装修用木塑型材
JC/T 2374 注塑专用木塑复合粒料
JC/T 2224 室外装饰用木塑墙板
QB/T 4492建筑装饰用塑木复合墙板
QB/T 4161园林景观用聚乙烯塑木复合型材
QB/T 4997 木塑衣架
LY/T 1613 挤出成型木塑复合板材
LY/T 2716 聚氯乙烯片材饰面复合地板
LY/T 2715 木塑复合外挂墙板
LY/T 2714 木塑门套线
台湾地区 Taiwan Region
CNS 15730 木材-塑料之再生复合材料
CNS 15730 wood-plastic recycled composite