厦门SGS-电工胶带 压敏胶带等各类胶带测试
• ASTM D1000-10 Standard Test Method for Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive-Coated Tapes Used for Electrical and Electronic Applications电子电器用压敏胶带的测试标准
•BS EN 60454-2-2007/ IEC 60454-2-2007 Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes---Part 2: Methods of test电工用压敏胶带-第二部分:测试方法
•UL 510 Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyethylene, and Rubber Insulating Tape (for use as electrical insulation)聚氯乙烯, 聚乙烯和橡胶绝缘胶带(用作绝缘件)
•JC/T 942-2004 丁基橡胶防水密封胶粘带
Butyl rubber adhesive tape for waterproof and sealing
•ASTM D6123-97(2007) Standard Specification for Pressure-Sensitive Tape for Light-Duty Packaging and General Purpose Masking轻载包装和一般遮蔽用压敏胶带的标准规范
•ASTM D5486/D5486M-06(2012) Standard specification for pressure-sensitive tape for Packaging, Box closure, and Sealing包装和密封用压敏胶带的标准规范
•JIS-Z0237:2009 Testing methods of pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes and sheets压敏粘胶带及压敏粘胶薄板的试验方法
•ASTM D4325-2013 Standard Test Methods for Nonmetallic Semi-Conducting and Electrically Insulating Rubber Tapes金属半导体电绝缘橡胶带测试方法
•厚度 thickness