ASTM D6252/D6252M在90°角处压敏标签纸的剥离粘合力的标准测试方法—标准名称
ASTM D6252/D6252M Standard Test Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Label Stocks at a 90° Angle
ASTM D6252/D6252M在90°角处压敏标签纸的剥离粘合力的标准测试方法
ASTM D6252/D6252M在90°角处压敏标签纸的剥离粘合力的标准测试方法—适用范围
This test method covers the measurement of the peel adhesion of pressure-sensitive label stocks. This test method gives a measure of the adherence to a standard steel substrate or to other surfaces of interest for a pressure-sensitive label stock
ASTM D6252/D6252M在90°角处压敏标签纸的剥离粘合力的标准测试方法—引用文件
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