GB 18454-2001液体食品无菌包装用复合袋
Laminated bags using for aseptic package of liquid food
1 | Appearance 外观 |
Section 5.1 |
2 | Dimension deviation 尺寸偏差 |
Section 5.2 Section 5.3、GB/T 6672 Section 5.4 Seciton 5.5 |
3 | Oxygen transmission rate 氧气透过率 |
GB/T 1038 |
4 | Tensile strength、elongation at break 拉伸强度、断裂伸长率 |
GB/T 13022(已作废),建议用GB/T 1040.3测试 |
5 | Peel force of laminated film 复合膜剥离力 |
GB/T 8808方法A |
6 | Heat seal strength of bag body 袋体热合强度 |
QB/T 2358 |
7 | 光线透过率 Luminous transmittance |
GB/T 2410 |
8 | 袋的耐压性能 Pressure resistance of bag |
Section 5.13 |
9 | 袋的跌落性能 Drop test of bag |
Seciton 5.14 |
10 | Lining material: Health indicators inspection of laminated plastic film and cover 内衬材料:复合塑料膜和口盖的卫生指标检验 |
GB/T 5009.60、GB/T 13120 |
11 | Sterility test 无菌检验 |
中华人民共和国卫生部《消毒技术规范》中"无菌检验" |