ISO 14572-2011: Road vehicles — Round, sheathed, 60 V and 600 V screened and unscreened single- or multi-core cables — Test methods and requirements for basic- and high-performance cables
道路车辆 60V和600V屏蔽或非屏蔽的单芯或多芯电线-基础和高性能电线的测试方法和要求
等同GB/T 25087
1 | 外观 Visual appearance |
2 | 电缆外径 Outside cable diameter |
3 | 护套椭圆度 Ovality of sheath |
4 | 护套厚度 Thickness of sheath |
5 | 电连续性 Electrical continuity |
6 | 耐电压 Withstand voltage |
7 | 屏蔽直流电阻 D.C resistance of the screen |
8 | 屏蔽效率(线注入法) Screening effectiveness (Line injection) |
屏蔽效率(三同轴法) Screening effectiveness (Tri-axial method) |
屏蔽效率(辐射衰减) Screening effectiveness (Absorbing clamp method) |
9 | 高温压力 Pressure test at high temperature |
10 | 护套附着力 Adhesion of sheath |
11 | 循环弯曲 Cyclic bending |
12 | 低温卷绕 Winding at low temperature |
13 | 低温冲击 Impact at low temperature |
14 | 耐磨 Resistance to abrasion |
15 | 3000h长期热老化 Long-term heat ageing, 3 000 h |
16 | 240h短期热老化 Short-term heat ageing, 240 h |
17 | 热过载 Thermal overload |
18 | 护套热收缩 Shrinkage by heat of sheath |
19 | 耐化学试剂 Resistance to chemicals |
20 | 护套标志耐久性 Durability of sheath marking |
21 | 耐臭氧 Resistance to ozone |
22 | 温度和湿度交变 Temperature and humidity cycling |
23 | 抗延燃 Resistance to flame propagation |
24 | 人工大气老化 Artificial weathering |