AAMA 620 滚涂结构铝底层的高性能有机涂层的规范—测试标准
AAMA 620 Voluntary Specification for High Performance Organic Coatings on Coil Coated Architectural Aluminum Substrates
AAMA 620 滚涂结构铝底层的高性能有机涂层的规范
AAMA 620 滚涂结构铝底层的高性能有机涂层的规范—测试范围
This specification describes test procedures and requirements for high performance organic coatings applied to aluminum coil substrates for architectural use.
This specification covers factory-applied coil coatings only. The primary units of measure in this document are metric. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for reference only.
AAMA 620 滚涂结构铝底层的高性能有机涂层的规范--检测项目及方法
AAMA 620 Section 7.1 ASTM D2244色彩均匀性 Color uniformity
AAMA 620 Section 7.2 ASTM D523 60℃镜面光泽度 Specular gloss at 60℃
AAMA 620 Section 7.3 ASTM D3363干膜硬度 Dry film hardness
AAMA 620 Section涂层干式附着力 Film dry adhesion
AAMA 620 Section涂层湿式附着力 Film wet adhesion(24h,38°C)
AAMA 620 Section涂层沸水煮附着力 Film boiling water adhesion
AAMA 620 Section 7.5 耐背面冲击测试 Reverse impact resistance
AAMA 620 Section 7.6 ASTM D4145 涂层耐柔韧性 Coating flexibility
AAMA 620 Section 7.7 ASTM D968耐落沙磨耗 Abrasion resistance
AAMA 620 Section 7.8.1耐盐酸 Muriatic acid resistance(15 mins,10%HCl)
AAMA 620 Section 7.8.2耐泥浆 Mortar resistance(24h, 100% RH,38°C)
AAMA 620 Section 7.8.3耐硝酸 Nitric acid resistance(30 mins)
AAMA 620 Section 7.8.4耐清洁剂 Detergent resistance(72h, 38°C)
AAMA 620 Section 7.9.1 ASTM D2247-02 or ASTM D4585-07 耐湿 Humidity resistance (3000h,100% RH,38°C)
AAMA 620 Section 7.9.2 ASTM B117-07a耐盐雾 Salt spray resiatance(3000h)
AAMA 620 Section 7.10耐候测试 Weathering (南佛罗里达州,北纬27度,45度角面向南方,5年曝晒)
AAMA 620 Section ASTM D2244 Section 6.3颜色保持力 Color retention
AAMA 620 Section ASTM D4214耐粉化性 Chalk resistance
AAMA 620 Section ASTM D523光泽度保持力 Gloss retention
AAMA 620 Section ASTM B244耐侵蚀 Resistance to erosion