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  • 认证机构类别:认证培训机构


    SG 3 Establish Test Estimates
    SG 3 建立测试评估
    Well founded test estimates are established and maintained for use in discussing the test approach
    and in planning the testing activities.
    SP 3.1 Establish a top-level work breakdown structure
    SP 3.1 建立高层工作分解结构
    Establish a top-level work breakdown structure (WBS) to clearly define the scope of the test estimate.
    Typical work products
    1. Test work products list
    2. Test tasks to be performed
    3. Work breakdown structure
    1. 测试工作的产品清单
    2. 要执行的测试任务
    3. 工作分解结构
    1. Identify test work products to be developed based on the defined test approach
    2. Identify test work products that will be externally acquired
    3. Identify test work products that will be re-used
    4. Identify test tasks to be performed related to the test work products
    5. Identify indirect test tasks to be performed such as test management, meetings, configuration
    management, etc.
    1. 确定基于已定义测试方法的将要被开发的测试工作产品
    2. 确定被外部需要的工作产品
    3. 确定将被重用的工作产品
    4. 确定相关到测试工作产品的测试任务
    5. 确定间接测试任务,如测试管理,会议,配置管理等。
    Note that the WBS should also take into account tasks for implementing the test environment
    requirements. Refer to the “Test Environment” process area for more information.
    SP 3.2 Define test lifecycle
    SP 3.2 定义测试生命周期
    Define the test lifecycle phases on which to scope the planning effort.
    Typical work products
    1. Test lifecycle phases
    2. Test milestones
    1. 测试生命周期阶段
    2. 测试里程碑
    1. Define test lifecycle phases; at a minimum a test planning, test preparation and test execution
    phase are distinguished
    2. Schedule the test preparation phase such that it starts immediately upon the completion of the test
    3. Align the top-level work breakdown structure with the defined test lifecycle
    4. Identify major milestones for each test lifecycle phase
    1. 定义测试生命周期阶段;最小程度,要有一个测试计划,测试准备和测试执行
    2. 计划测试准备阶段,以便于它在完成测试基础后立刻开始
    3. 已定义的测试生命周期要与高层工作分解结构保持一致
    4. 确定每个测试生命周期阶段的主要里程碑
    Note that understanding the lifecycle is crucial in determining the scope of the test planning effort and
    the timing of the initial planning, as well as the timing and criteria (at critical milestones) for replanning.
    SP 3.3 Determine estimates of test effort and cost
    SP 3.3 确定测试投入和费用的评估
    Estimate the test effort and cost for the test work products and tasks based on estimation rationale.
    Typical work products
    1. Attribute estimates of test work products and test tasks
    2. Test effort estimates
    3. Test cost estimates
    1. 测试工作产品和测试任务的属性评估
    2. 测试投入评估
    3. 测试费用评估
    1. Determine and maintain estimates of the attributes of the test work products and test tasks
    1. 确定和维护测试工作产品和测试任务的属性的评估
    Examples of attributes used to estimate test work products and test tasks include the following:
    ? Size, e.g. number of test cases, number of pages, number of test points, volume of
    test data, number of requirements
    ? Complexity of related test item, e.g. cyclomatic number
    ? Level of re-use
    ? Priority level of related product risk
    Note that appropriate methods (e.g. validated models or historical data) should be used to determine
    the attributes of the test work products and test tasks that will be used to estimate the resource
    2. Study (technical) factors that can influence the test estimate
    2. 研究能影响测试评估的(技术的)因素
    Examples of factors that can influence the test estimate include the following:
    ? Usage of test tools
    ? Quality of earlier test levels
    ? Quality of test basis
    ? Development environment
    ? Test environment
    ? Test ware availability from previous projects
    ? Knowledge and skill level or testers
    3. Select models and/or historical data that will be used to transform the attributes of the test work
    products and test tasks into estimates of the effort and cost
    3. 选择模型和/或历史数据,以改变测试工作产品和测试任务的属性到评估的投入和费用
    Examples of models that can be used for test estimation include the following:
    ? Test Point Analysis [TMap]
    ? Three point estimate
    ? Wide Band Delphi [Veenendaal]
    ? Ratio on development effort versus test effort
    4. Include supporting infrastructure needs when estimation test effort and cost
    Examples of supporting infrastructure needs include the following:
    ? Test environment
    ? Critical computer resources
    ? Office environment
    ? Test tools
    5. Estimate test effort and cost using models and/or historical data
    6. Document assumptions made in deriving the estimates
    7. Record the test estimation data, including the associated information needed to reconstruct the
    5. 使用模型和/或历史数据评估测试投入和费用
    6. 记录源自评估的假设
    7. 记录测试评估数据,包括被用来重建评估的相关信息






    主要业务为软件产品测试、电子产品检测、安防产品检测、软件第三方验收测试、科技项目验收测试、信息系统第三方检测、集成电路检测、芯片检测、IC检测、雷电防护装置检测(建筑防雷装置检测、防雷定期检测、防雷首次检测)、通信网防御雷电安全保护检测、移动通信基站防雷检测、地理信息系统软件测试、数字社区应用软件测评、 建设领域软硬件测评、软件安全性测试、软件验收项目(安全、性能、验收测试、渗透测试、漏洞扫描、***检查、代码审计、代码检测)、广东省安全技术防范系统设计、施工、维修资格备案证业绩检测(安防工程检测)、信息化项目技术绩效评估(网站或系统绩效评估)、政务信息化项目效能评估、信息系统安全等级保护备案证明、信息系统安全等保报告、网络安全等保测评、信息系统安全等保测评、数字新基建项目第三方测试(5G建设、特高压、城际高速铁路和城市轨道交通、新能源汽车充电桩、大数据中心、人工能、工业互联网)、广东省守合同重企业、通用航空经营许可(即原来的:民用无人驾驶航空器经营许可、道路运输经营许可、AOPA无人机多旋翼驾驶员培训、无人机研发生产销售、无人机合作办学、无人机实训室建设、信息系统建设和服务能力评估CS、信息系统服务交付能力评估CCID、计算机信息系统安全服务证、信息系统集成及服务资质、信息系统运维资质、音视频系统集成资质、安防系统集成资质、音视频集成工程企业能力等级证书、信息化能力评价、EDI/ICP安全防护检测、广东省安全技术防范系统设计、施工与维修证、广东省有线广播电视工程设计(安装)证、广东省防雷工程企业能力评价、软件过程及能力成熟度评估CMMI、测试成熟度模型集成TMMI、涉密信息系统集成资质、数据管理能力成熟度评估模型DCMM、信息技术服务运行维护标准ITSS、信息安全服务资质CCRC、无委认证(SRRC)、科技成果评价、科技成果登记、科技成果登记合作(即挂名)、科学技术奖申请、专利合作申请(即挂名)、国家高新技术企业认证、双软认定、动漫企业认定、技术合同登记、知识产权服务、发明专利加急、集成电路布图专有权登记、计算机软件著作权登记、软件检测报告(软件项目验收鉴定报告)、工商注册、代理记账、创业补助申请等服务领域。VX;133-------4二捌五----2518


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