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接待椅/访客椅 EN13761测试报告 CE认证
Visitor Chairs办公家俱 - 接待椅 测试项目如下:
A:Clause 4.1 Dimensional requirements 尺寸要求
B:Clause 5 Safety requirements 安全要求
C:Clause 5.1 General design requirements 一般的设计要求
E:Clause 5.4 Strength and durability 强度和耐久性
Seat and back static load test 座位与靠背的静态装载
Seat front edge static load test 座位前边的静态装载
Additional static load test for tilting chairs and intermediate reclining chairs 对于倾斜椅和躺椅的附加静态装载测试
Foot rail/foot rest and leg static load test 搁脚板的静态装载
Arm sideways static load test 扶手侧面静态装载
Arm downwards static load test 扶手向下静态装载
Seat and back fatigue test for chairs without tilting or reclining mechanism 座位和靠背的疲劳测试
Seat front edge fatigue test 座位前面的疲劳测试
Arm fatigue test 扶手疲劳测试
Leg forward static load test 椅腿向前的静态装载
Leg sideways static load test 椅腿侧面的静态装载
Seat impact test 座位冲击测试
F:Clause 6 Information for use 使用说明