SGS ASTM C610膨胀珍珠岩模制板状和管状绝热材料测试服务
SGS ASTM C610 molded expanded perlite block and pipe thermal insulationTesting Services
Key words: ASTM C610, block, expanded perlite, fittings; molded; pipe, thermal Insulation, thermal conductivity, 膨胀珍珠岩, 模制板, 导热系数,热阻, 热阻测试, 隔热, 绝热, 保温, 绝热材料, SGS测试
ASTM C610-15 Standard Specification for Molded Expanded Perlite Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation1
ASTM C610-15 膨胀珍珠岩模制板状和管状绝热材料标准规范1
ASTM C610-15标准规范中物理性能测试要求及测试标准如下:
ASTM C610 Dimensional tolerances尺寸偏差
ASTM C585 Inner diameter & Outer diameter内径外径
ASTM C303 Density of Block insulation 板状密度
ASTM C302 Procedure A Pipe insulation 管状密度
ASTM C1045 ASTM C177 block insulation板状导热系数
ASTM C335 Apparent thermal conductivity of Pipe insulation 管状导热系数
ASTM C356 Linear shrinkage after heat soaking(649℃)线性收缩
ASTM C203 method 1(3 point),procedure D Flexural strength(Block insulation only)弯曲强度(板状)
ASTM C165 procedure A Compressive resistance(Block insulation only) 抗压强度(板状)
ASTM C421 Mass loss by tumbling after 10 minutes 10分钟翻转损失
ASTM C1616 Moisture content含水率
ASTM C610 Water absorption after heat aging热老化后吸水率
ASTM E84 Surface burning characteristics表面燃烧特性
ASTM C411 Hot-surface performance热面性能(649℃)
ASTM C795 Stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel应力腐蚀性能
ASTM E136 Non-combustible不燃性
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E-Mail: caden.zhang@sgs.com