起重机及起重设备的服务类型/Crane, Hoisting Equipment Service Type
按照机械指令MD2006/42/EC , 低电压指令LVD2006/95/EC ,噪音指令2000/14/EC 进行起重机及起重设备CE认证 We provide CE certification according to Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) , Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC) , Noise directive (2000/14 /EC)
新加坡MOM认证 Ministry of Manpower (MOM) certification
设计审核及第三方检验 Design review and The third party inspection
供应商评估,材料鉴定/Supplier Assessment, Material verification
焊工培训,焊接工艺评定,包括美国AWS/欧洲EN/ Welder qualification training and Welding Procedure Specification, including AWS/ ASME/ EN
--设计审核包括计算审核, 结构分析等
Design Review include review of the calculation, independent structural analysis, etc.
--第三方检验包括文件审核, 根据相关标准进行工厂过程检验,现场调试,交验测试,提供技术支持等
The third party inspection include document review, factory inspection ,on-site or port commissioning and testing according to standard, technical support during inspection, etc;
德国法规章程及相关标准认可/German Regulation and related standard Approval
Ger?te- und Produktsicherheitsgesetz (GPSG) (German only)
DIN 15018, DIN 15019, DIN 15020
All types of cranes, including but not limited to:
Loader cranes 随车吊 EN 12999
Mobile crane (including Crawler crane) 移动式吊车(包含履带吊)EN 13000, ASME B30.5
Floating crane 浮式起重机 EN 13852-2, ASME B30.8
Tower crane 塔吊 EN 14439, ASME B30.3
Container handling spreader 正面吊 EN 1459 + EN 15056
Bridge and gantry crane 门式起重机 EN 15011
Over head crane 行车 ASME B 30.2
A.制造企业提出申请,和TüV SüD 签定认证合同/The manufacture apply and sign the certificating contract with TüV SüD .
B.TUV SUD提供认证技术咨询,提供准备材料清单,制造商按认证机构要求提供相关技术文件资料,提供完整设备图纸包括结构(总装配图和详细结构图),机械部分,电气部分和控制图 和完整计算书TüV SüD will provide consulting , the Manufacturer provides all the technical files according to TüV SüD requirements, provides the complete set of drawing including structural(GA and Detailed Construction Drawings), Mechanical and Electrical (SLD) and controls drawings,and the complete set of calculations
C.TüV SüD 审核技术文件和图纸,计算书,并对样机进行功能性测试,同时对制造企业的质量管理体系等质量保证措施做确认,对不合格部分发书面整改意见,制造方按要求改进直至完全达到相应标准要求,最终合格后认证机构发给CE 符合性证书/TüV SüD reviews the technical files including drawings,calculations, risk analysis, do functional testing for model machinery ,review the manufacturers’ quality control system,give advice for not comformity, manufacture will improve them until reach the standards,at last ,if passed, the Notified Body will provide a certificate of CE complance.
D 制造企业签发CE 合格证明和在产品上加盖CE 标记/Manufacturers declare themselves to pass CE marking and mark it on their equipments.
起重机主要覆盖的欧盟指令包括以下内容:/Crane will cover the following EU Directive in the following:
机械指令2006/42/EC, 低电压指令 2006/95/EC, 电动机电磁兼容性指令2004/108/EC, 防爆指令94/9/EC
室外工作机械设备的噪音指令 2000/14/EC& 2005/88/EC.
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, LVD Directive 2006/95/EC, EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
Outdoor machinery equipments’ noise directive 2000/14/EC&2005/88/EC, ATEX Directive 94/9/EC