STC专业提供户外家具标准BS EN581-2-2009检测服务
Updates for Furniture Test Standards (2) – EN 581-2:2009
家具测试标准更新(2)-EN 581-2:2009
The European pre-standardENV 581-2:2000which had been used over 9 years for evaluation of the safety and performance requirements for outdoor seating, was finally revised and approved by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 207 “Furniture” into an official European StandardEN 581-2:2009. |
欧洲预备标准ENV 581-2:2000,用于评价户外用椅子安 全和性能要求,已历经9 年的时间,终于被CEN/TC 207“家具” 技术委员会修订并批准为欧洲正式标准EN 581-2:2009。 |
EN 581-2:2009supersedesENV 581-2:2000and all CEN members are required to adopt this new standard into their national standards and withdraw the conflicting standards at the latest by October, 2009. |
EN 581-2:2009取代ENV 581-2:2000,强制要求所有 CEN 成员将此新标准采用为其国家标准,并要求最晚在 2009 年10 份之前回收与此标准冲突的其他标准。 |
Similar to the pre-standard,EN 581-2:2009specifies the mechanical safety requirements and test methods of outdoor seating for camping, domestic and contract use for adults, without regard to materials, design / construction or manufacturing processes. However, outdoor furniture for severe contract use, and information regarding ageing and degradation caused by light, temperature and moisture are not covered by this standard. All test requirements in this standard are evaluated based on use by persons weighing up to 110 kg. |
与预备标准类似,EN581- 用及订制成人户外座椅的机械
Compared to the pre-standard, there are significant changes in this newEN 581-2:2009but merely as an improvement such that the standard is easier to read and follow. Listed below are some highlights for the changes. |
与预备标准相比,新的EN 581-2:2009中有重大变更, 但这些重大变更只是便于标准的理解和执行的改进。下 面列出的是变更中的一些突出点。 |
Simplify the “General test conditions” such as preliminary preparation, determination of seat and back loading points, application of forces, etc. by referencing toEN 1728:2000. Conditioning period of outdoor seating was changed from the original of one week down to at least 24 hours. |
简化“一般测试条件”例如测试前的初步准备,椅 座和椅背加载点的确定,力的应用等。可参考EN 1728:2000。户外座椅的调节期由原来的一周缩小为 至少24 小时。 |
Similar to other furniture standards, tests, test sequence and test parameters were illustrated in table format covering test items in the following sequences. |
类似于其它家具标准,测试,测试顺序和测试参数 以下面的表格的形式说明,其中包含了测试项目。 |
Test 测试 |
Outdoor seating Test Sequence |
Loungers 躺椅/Test Sequence 测试顺序 |
Seat and back static load test (EN 1728:2000, 6.2.1) 座位和靠背静态载重测试 (EN 1728:2000, 6.2.1) |
1 | 1 |
Seat front edge static load test (EN 1728:2000, 6.2.2) 座位前沿静态载重测试 (EN 1728:2000, 6.2.2) |
2 a), b) | --- |
Seat and back a) fatigue test for seating (EN 1728:2000, 6.7) 座具的座位和靠背疲劳测试(EN 1728:2000, 6.7) |
3 | 2 |
Fatigue test on back rest mechanism (EN 581-2:2009, Annex A) 靠背机构疲劳测试(EN 581-2:2009, Annex A) |
4 a) | 3 |
Arm downwards static load test (EN 1728:2000, 6.6) 扶手向下静态载重测试(EN 1728:2000, 6.6) |
5 b) | 4 |
Arm fatigue test (EN 1728:2000, 6.10) 扶手疲劳测试(EN 1728:2000, 6.10) |
6 b) | 5 |
Leg forwards static load test (EN 1728:2000, 6.12) 椅脚向前静态加载测试 (EN 1728:2000, 6.12) |
7 b) | --- |
Leg sideways static load test (EN 1728:2000, 6.13) 椅脚侧向静态加载测试(EN 1728:2000, 6.13) |
8 b) | --- |
Seat impact test (EN 1728:2000, 6.15) 座位冲击测试(EN 1728:2000, 6.15) |
9 b) | 6 |
Foot rail static test for high seating (EN 1728:2000, 6.4) 高座具的足部静态测试 (EN 1728:2000, 6.4) |
10 a) | --- |
Lifting test (EN 581-2:2009, B.2.1.7) 举起测试(EN 581-2:2009, B.2.1.7) |
--- | 7 |
Forward stability (EN 1022:2005, 6.2-6.3) 向前稳定性测试(EN 1022:2005, 6.2-6.3) |
11 | 9 |
Rearward stability (EN 1022:2005, 6.6) 向后稳定性测试(EN 1022:2005, 6.6) |
12 | --- |
Sideways stability (EN 1022:2005, 6.4-6.5) 侧向稳定性测试(EN 1022:2005, 6.4-6.5) |
13 | 8 |
a) These tests are not available in ENV 581-2:2000.
这些测试在ENV 581-2:2000 中没有。
b) Test parameters were revised in EN 581-2:2009.
在EN 581-2:2009 中修订了测试参数。
c) “Cyclic test on backrest”, “Test of alternating forces on the backrest for reclining seating”, “Backrest impact test”, and
“Arm impact test” specified in ENV 581-2:2000 were removed in EN 581-2:2009.
在EN 581-2:2009 中移除了ENV 581-2:2000 中详细说明的 “靠背循环测试”, “斜躺座椅靠背的交替用力测试”, “靠背冲击
测试”, 及 “扶手冲击测试”。
Add a new section 6.2 Requirements to address: - General safety requirements (6.2.1 - follows the general safety requirements of EN 581-1) - Stability requirements (6.2.2 - follows the stability requirements of EN 1022) - Mechanical safety requirements (6.2.3) |
增加的新章节6.2 要求阐述了: - 一般安全要求(6.2.1-遵照EN 581-1 的一般安 |
Add a new section 7 Instruction for Use to cover: - General requirements (7.1)
增加的新章节7 使用说明包含了: - 一般性要求(7.1) (1)说明书应以本国语言提供,标题为“重要,保留以 供将来参考:仔细阅读”字体高度应不小于 5mm。 (2)说明书中至少应该包含:制造商(生产商或供应 商)的名称和地址,维护保养信息,及产品的使 用条件。 - 可移动躺椅标识(7.2)-可移动躺椅载重后不可被 抬起或移动,应加载图标(图1)标明。 |
For reporting of test result, the test report shall include a compliance statement with the requirements. |
测试结果的报告,测试报 告应包括对要求的符合性 声明。 |
The test for “Behviour of outdoor seating at high and low temperature” under Annex A of ENV 581- 2:2000 was removed in EN 581-2:2009. |
EN 581-2:2009 删除了
Hong Kong Standards And Testing Centre
STC(dongguan)Company Limited
David He 贺荣权
Address:68 Fumin Nan Road ,Dalang,Dongguan,Guangdong,China