

  • 玩具安全测试- 澳大利亚/新西兰

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  • Testing Item 测试项目 Test Method 检测方法 AUSTRALIA 澳大利亚标准 1. AS/NZS ISO 8124.1 Part1: Physical & Mechanical Test 物理及机械性能测试 AS/NZS ISO 8124.1 Part2: Flammability test 易燃性测试 3. AS/NZS ISO 8124.1 Part3:Migration of certain elements 重金属测试 a) Paints and similar coatings, printing ink, modeling materials 油漆及相似涂层、油墨、造型原料 b) Polymeric, paper, textiles, glass, ceramic, metallic materials 塑料,纸张,纺织品,玻璃,陶瓷,金属 4.EN 62115/EN 50088 电子玩具安全测试 a) Dual supply with motor 双供电有马达 b) Dual supply without motor 双供电无马达 c) Single supply with motor 单供电有马达 d)Single supply without motor 单供电无马达 e) Remote control with/without motor 带遥控有/无马达 5.AS 1647 Part1:General Requirement 一般要求 6. AS 1647 Part2 :Constructional Requirement结构要求 7. AS 1647 Part3:Heavy Metal Test重金属测试 a) Paints and similar coatings, printing ink, modeling materials 油漆及相似涂层、油墨、造型原料 b) Polymeric, paper, textiles, glass, ceramic, metallic materials 塑料,纸张,纺织品,玻璃,陶瓷,金属 8. AS 1647 Part3: color fastness to sweat and saliva 汗渍及唾液色牢度 9. AS 1647 Part4:Flammability Test on prohibited materials禁用物料易燃性测试 a)Solid 固体 b)Fabric 织物 10.Consumer Affairs(Product safety)(Children’s Toys)Regulations 11.Electro-Magnetic Compatibility(EMC)电磁兼容性测试 a)B/O toys W/O AC jack (Lever 1)不带交流插座的电池玩具 3. TOY SAFETY COMPLIANCE TEST –AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND 玩具安全测试- 澳大利亚/新西兰 Testing Item 测试项目 Test Method 检测方法 AUSTRALIA 澳大利亚标准 b)B/O toys W AC jack (Lever 2)带交流插座的电池玩具 c)AS/NZS 4168.2 Radio-communication act for low interference potential devices (RF toys with transmitter, C-tick not included) 无线电通信法令-低干扰电压设备 12.Product safety order on liquid filled Toys and other children products 液体填充玩具及其它儿童产品安全法令 a)Total plate count 总细菌量 b)Fecal coliform 粪便大肠菌 c) coliform 大肠菌 NEW ZEALAND 新西兰标准 1. AS/NZS ISO 8124.1 Part1: Physical & Mechanical Test 物理及机械性能测试 2. AS/NZS ISO 8124.1 Part2: Flammability test 易燃性测试 3. AS/NZS ISO 8124.1 Part3:Migration of certain elements 重金属测试 a) Paints and similar coatings, printing ink, modeling materials 油漆及相似涂层、油墨、造型原料 b) Polymeric, paper, textiles, glass, ceramic, metallic materials 塑料,纸张,纺织品,玻璃,陶瓷,金属 4.NZS 5822 Ingestion and Inhalation Hazards 吞咽及吸入危险 5.Electro-Magnetic Compatibility(EMC)电磁兼容性测试 a)B/O toys W/O AC jack (Lever 1)不带交流插座的电池玩具 b)B/O toys W AC jack (Lever 2)带交流插座的电池玩具 c)AS/NZS 4168.2 Radio-communication act for low interference potential devices (RF toys with transmitter, C-tick not included) 无线电通信法令-低干扰电压设备


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